Saturday, October 11, 2014

I play some Tech Romancer on the Dreamcast!

My YouTube video showing off Tech Romancer

Tech Romancer is a fighting game with mechs (AKA mecha, giants robots, etc.) that was made by Capcom for the Sega Dreamcast system back in 2000. A lot of the mecha designs got influenced by anime and the like; it's one of my favorite Dreamcast games! I think of this game like it is a hidden gem and I have a thing for games like this one! A fighting game with mechs; count me in!

  Back around the the turn of the century I remember seeing an ad for this game and I really wanted to play it. Many years after, I picked up a Dreamcast and one of the games I managed to get afterwards was indeed Tech Romancer! I have been playing it off and on since; and it's one of my all time favorite fighting games (and that's saying a lot since I played a lot of different fighting games!)

   The video above I recorded playing it on my Dreamcast which was hooked up to a capture device called Dazzle. Amongst re-connecting up my dreamcast and realizing that it can indeed be hooked up to my Dazzle, I wanted to capture a video. I am so glad it worked out ok and I am glad if you guys' enjoyed it!
The Wikipedia article can be found here:

Tech Romancer on GameFAQs can be found here:

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